The Inn Fitness & Spa
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Adult Oriented,
Kid Friendly

Grownups love our state-of-the-art facilities but we’ve got stuff for the youngsters as well. From Kids Swim Programs to daycare and birthday parties we can handle it.


Get In Touch
We can’t wait to help you and your family get and stay healthy. The first step is when you click here to learn how to contact us.

Benefits of Exercise

  1. Improves overall health
  2. Reduces stress
  3. Tones muscles
  4. Controls weight
  5. Improves sleep
  6. Enhances self-esteem
  7. Lengthens potential life expectancy
  8. Improves stamina and endurance
  9. Increases body strength
  10. May lower blood pressure
  11. Supports mental sharpness
  12. Slows effects of aging
  13. Provides opportunity for social interaction
  14. Maintains flexibility
  15. Relieves muscle tension
  16. Protects muscle groups by strengthening
  17. Positively impacts depression
  18. Burns calories
  19. Improves appearance
  20. Feels good …
Combine your fitness program with proper nutrition, regular medical check-ups and a positive attitude … and enjoy the results.